Dear Panther Family,
Our academic environment and the unselfish efforts of our faculty continue to be key factors to student success at Georgia State. This is why I couldn’t be more pleased to announce another milestone has been accomplished in our ongoing efforts to improve the competitiveness of our salaries. Our proposal to make market-based salary adjustments for more than 300 faculty members has received final approval. We will immediately implement these increases so that our faculty will benefit from this market adjustment without further delay. This increase comes in addition to the statewide Cost of Living Adjustment in July.
You may recollect that one of our administration’s first priorities during my presidency was to launch a comprehensive salary study for faculty and staff. We engaged with a consulting firm, Ernst and Young (EY), to assist in identifying salary comparisons for GSU positions against organizations of similar size and scope for faculty and staff. Although this is a work-in-progress, this increase represents the 3rd target group compensation increase since 2022. These phased increases have positively enhanced our ability to compensate at a living wage, included increases for our public safety and operation staff, and now a first iteration of adjustments for faculty. Even with the budget adjustments over the past few years, we remained committed to our phased approach to creating an environment where everyone has a competitive salary.
None of this could have happened without the leadership and efforts of our distinguished, world-class deans, our executive vice president and provost, Dr. Nicolle Parsons-Pollard, our executive vice president and COO, Jared Abramson, and our Chief Human Resources Officer, Ann Williamson.
But we are not finished yet!! The upcoming phase will finalize a new staff salary structure tied to the EY market study. With jobs benchmarked appropriately, we will be able to identify our most critical gaps and provide a next phase of adjustments for our staff.
I look forward to providing additional updates to our university community as we move forward with this process.
Thank you for all you do for Georgia State!
Go Panthers!!
All the best,